TThe Dublin Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend our “Seasons of Small Business Series,” a FREE & educational set of classes where our subject matter experts will share their invaluable insights, providing you with the knowledge to enhance your local business or help you start a new one.
Running every Thursday between September 26th and October 24th from 4:30-5:30 PM at the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, each class focuses on a different topic, and you can sign up for as many as you’d like—all free of charge!
Topics to be covered include:
- Business Planning
- Financial Assistance
- Marketing
- Compliance
- Succession Planning
Funded in part through ARPA Funds from Alameda County Supervisor, David Haubert
Auditor Controller Agency – Office of Contract Compliance (510) 891-5500
1221 Oak St., Room 249, Oakland, CA 94612
Small, Local and Emerging Business Program
Clerk-Recorder’s Office (510) 272-6362
1106 Madison St., Oakland, CA 94607
Filing of Fictitious Business Name, Notary oath and bond, and process server registration and bond.
Community Development Agency
Business Resources
Permit Coach (510) 670-6506
Planning Department (510) 670-5400
Redevelopment Agency (Successor Agency) (510) 670-5333
General Services Agency – Business Outreach (510) 208-9625
Office of Acquisition Policy Fax (510) 208-9711
1401 Lakeside Dr., Oakland, CA 94612
Health Care Services Agency – Environmental Health (510) 567-6770
Alameda County Green Business Program
1131 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda, CA 94502
Public Works Agency (510) 670-5993
Community and Business Outreach